W@W WRAP – Week 395
Prayer is a Way of Life – Do you honestly believe prayer is crucial to our daily lives and makes a real difference? Of all the thighs the disciples could have asked Jesus to teach them, they asked Him only one thing: "Teach us to pray." Perhaps because they understood that prayer is a constant way of living and seeking intimacy with our Father in Heaven, not just an occasional activity when we are in trouble or facing a big decision. The primary purpose of prayer is to allow God to transform us from within so that we can see the world from His perspective and live according to His will. Jesus valued time alone with His Father, away from the crowds. For Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayer was absolutely essential, even more important than food, revealing the profound, unseen power of prayer. We would never stop praying if we could see the divine changes that occur through prayer. Since, however ordinary we are, when we speak to our Heavenly Father, something extraordinary happens. Through prayer, we draw closer to our Father's heart, receive His strength, seek His guidance, and experience His peace. (Jeremiah 29:12)