W@W WRAP – Week 274

Grounded in Christ! – As we look at nature, we see how the roots of trees and flowers go deep into the earth for their sustenance. Similarly, our strength to stand in every situation is found as we go deep into God's Word, firmly rooted in Christ. This involves casting our cares upon Him, knowing that He is faithful, our place of salvation and rest, and the One who nourishes us to bear good, lasting fruit through all the seasons of our lives. (Psalm 62:7-8 & Proverbs 11:30)

W@W WRAP – Week 2742022-04-02T08:05:57+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 182

Our God of endless hope! - Jesus has come so that we can have life and have it in abundance. At some point, we all face seemingly impossible or daunting situations. During those times, it may appear that there is no way out, or no way forward… BUT with God there is always HOPE! He can breathe LIFE and bring RESTORATION! He is FAITHFUL to His promises – and we can truly TRUST in our God of endless HOPE! (Ephesians 1:17-19)

W@W WRAP – Week 1822020-06-27T08:39:19+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 181

Take heart! - This season, I believe for all of us, has been one of being intentional about growing in Christ. Maybe we have found time to reconnect with God more often, or possibly we are more aware of His presence in our lives, or we are spending more time in His Word... No matter how our faith has been stirred, let us continually strive to put aside our old ways and our own will, so that we can grow deeper in trusting God, and fixing our eyes on the eternal hope and glory that lie before us! (2 Corinthians 4:7-9 and 16-18)

W@W WRAP – Week 1812020-06-20T08:25:16+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 180

Our God is faithful in every season! - As we journey through different seasons in life, we so often let challenges or uncertainties get the better of us. Yet, we serve a faithful Creator God Who is infinitely bigger than any situation we may face, and He knows the best outcome for us and our loved ones. No matter how our current season looks, let us all be found wholly and fully trusting in our good, loving, caring, miracle-working, and wonderful Saviour to see us through. Let’s trust our Heavenly Father to write the stories of our lives; and then let’s share those stories to encourage others and glorify His holy name. (Psalm 36:5-9)

W@W WRAP – Week 1802020-06-13T08:17:05+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 179

A new way... - We often hear that God wants to do “a new thing” in our lives. Possibly it’s a new way of thinking, or a new way of serving Him or being fruitful in His kingdom. Perhaps it’s a new way of being more accountable with how we spend our time, money or resources; or being good stewards with what He entrusted to us? The one thing I have learnt over the years is that challenges (like this Covid pandemic) force us to change – to get out of our comfort zones, and re-evaluate what it means to live in the fullness of who our Creator God made us to be. (Isaiah 43:18-19)

W@W WRAP – Week 1792020-06-06T08:03:34+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 178

Surrendering all! - May we understand the importance of not becoming spiritually starved in our relationship with our Lord during this time. May God use this season to help us learn to be flexible; and to trust Him to work out our weeks, days, hours and even our minutes. May we never cease to look to the Holy Spirit for answers and good discernment. Let’s return to God’s Word as our only foundation, as we lay ourselves down and surrender all to Him. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

W@W WRAP – Week 1782020-05-30T08:07:52+02:00
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