W@W WRAP – Week 226

Building Strong Foundations… – We are here to build the kingdom of God – not just in our own strength, but alongside those our Heavenly Father has placed in our lives. We need to remember that nothing could ever separate us from the love and faithfulness of our Lord. This will help us to build walls of faith that will sustain us during difficult times. As we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus (our chief cornerstone), let’s trust Him for a heart of wisdom and gratitude. Let’s use words that build strong foundations in our lives and in the lives of those around us. (Ephesians 2:20-22)

W@W WRAP – Week 2262021-05-01T08:45:44+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 86

Our secure foundation… - What a God we serve! His road stretches straight and smooth. Every God-direction is road-tested. Everyone who runs toward Him makes it. Is there any god like our God? Our God Who wraps us in grace and showers us with love – our firm foundation (Psalm 18:30-31 MSG paraphrased).

W@W WRAP – Week 862018-09-01T07:28:29+02:00
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