W@W WRAP – Week 329

Two Sides of the Cross – When we see a replica of the cross, we remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for each of us personally. The cross could remind us of many things. Perhaps it is the moment we asked Jesus to be our Saviour. Maybe it is the promise of heaven, or perhaps the great peace and power it brings to our lives. Maybe it is the people that we know, love and pray for, that don't yet know Him. Most especially, the cross vividly demonstrates God's great love for us, in delivering us from the consequences of sin. It demonstrates the differences between light and darkness, freedom and bondage, life and death. (Isaiah 53:10 & John 3:16)

W@W WRAP – Week 3292023-04-22T07:56:07+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 309

Are you set free? – Do you ever feel tied down, or tied up? Habits enslave us, and there is only one way to truly be set free from unhealthy habits and mindsets… and that is to know the Lord Jesus Christ personally. In God’s Word we learn that we can choose Christ, which gives us hope and great freedom, or be slaves to sin, which leads to bondage. May we always remember that because of Jesus, we are restored and renewed. We have been set free and we know THE WAY into the Kingdom of Light! (Romans 6:3-7)

W@W WRAP – Week 3092022-12-03T07:51:31+02:00

W@W WRAP – Week 276

Not my will, but Yours be done… – Easter reminds us of the inexpressibly great gift of salvation we have received through Jesus' death and resurrection. Jesus was betrayed by His friends, forsaken by God, wrongly accused and given a death sentence. He endured severe punishment and was disrespected by being mocked. Yet, Jesus took all of this on Himself so that we could have LIFE in abundance, eternal HOPE and joy-filled PEACE. (Luke 22:39-42)

W@W WRAP – Week 2762022-04-16T08:14:27+02:00
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